PR Tour for CBS Channels
Our ZF London Cheerleaders are no strangers to PR. In the past 8 years we have helped launch numerous products in true cheerleaders style..! Focusing on the brand, communicating the message at the heart of the campaign and making sure our appearence was memorable. Our CBS tour was no different.
When AMC Networks approached us to work on a publicity tour, we knew this was our chance to get creative. Our mission: to make the 5 individual channels on the AMC Networks be etched in people's minds: CBS Drama, CBS Action, CBS Reality, Horror Channel and Extreme Sports Channel. Working together with the CBS creative team we created a unique performance concept: 5 channels represented by the theme tunes of their top shows: McGuyver, Cops, Dallas and Dr. Who. With 6 days and visiting a dozen offices around London, our ZF Cheerleaders certainly had their work cut out for them and loved every single minute of it.
Thank you AMC Networks for such a fun and creative opportunity!