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Joe & Caspar - London Premiere

The USA may have the stars and the beautiful film sets, but no-one can beat London for homegrowing Youtuber talent and hosting one-of-a-kind film premiere in Leicester square. Last night, ZR Cheerleaders 'hit the road' (aka the blue carpet) with Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee on their USA adventure: the long-awaited film is finally out.the low down:

Watch our performance to 'Party in the USA' at 7:35

ZR cheerleaders were split into 'Team Joe' and 'Team Casper' to follow the premise of the film. If you've not as familiar with the millennial Youtuber generation, here are the keynotes:

British born Joe, 25, and South African Casper, 22, have a combined 14 million YouTube subscribers, 9.3 million Instagram followers and 8 million Twitter fans. The bromance started in 2011, and since then they've been gracing the millennials with video challenges, pranks and general Youtube malarkey.

In 2015 they travelled around Europe to film "Joe & Caspar Hit The Road" and following the success of the film, naturally, was the world's top Roadtrippin' mecca: the USA. The film is just one big challenge, where Joe and Caspar fight it it out one 'merican challenge at a time.

JOE & CASPAR HIT THE ROAD USA will be available on DVD on Monday 21 November and in the meantime you can start watching their Youtube channels, ThacherJoe and Dicasp

As for ZR Cheerleaders, the USA Road doesn't finish here! We've been cheering all around London since 2008 and our USA themed parties are one of our favourites.. and there's been plenty for us to cheer about! Until next time, Star-Spangled-Banner!

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